Last weekend I met up with several teachers in Japan that I used to work with or have an acquaintence with. We had drinks and food in a nice place and it was real nice to see these people again. Thankfully they all have jobs and seem to be in high spirits about what they are doing in Japan. Most of them have taken pay-cuts but have found other work. One person landed a a full time job at a women’s university and seems particularly satisfied. The others are doing ok but are depending on contracts, some short-term, some long-term…I spent most of the night listening to other’s stories. All of them were very interested in what I do. I made sure not to do any boasting because there is no reason for that…All I said was that it is good and it keeps getting better and better…with effort…
I left our little reunion feeling very lucky and good about myself…It is so good to be in charge of what I do. Depending on others makes me nervous, especially during these trying economic times…To all Smith’s Franchisees: Don’t ever forget how lucky we are…
How true! I have a CD which includes 65 or so of the main verbs with the present, past, past participle and continuous forms but one of my kid students said she cannot possible remember all 4 words to the end and then repeat them. She wants to repeat them one at a time. So your advice is right on target!
Al, SSE Okamoto
Sorry about that. That comment above was meant for Adrian’s post called “reactions”. But I agree with you, we are lucky. Smith’s does provide a good opportunity for those willing to make the effort. Effort is the key word. Your effort is the measure of how much you care for your students and for your own business success. Because as they say, you reap what you sow. Do something good for others and keep doing it and you will see it coming back 10-fold. Being negative never helped anyone except perhaps, the comedian, Rodney Dangerfield. The rest of us are better taking the “positive” path. Keep up the good work.
Al, SSE Okamoto
I often meet up with my old “eikaiwa” buddies. So many have gone home recently, but those that are still here feel lucky that they could find good jobs in public schools or other more dependable workplaces. I definitely feel fine being with Smith’s. While everyone else is worrying, i’m relaxed and comfortable. Yay Smith’s!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu