Hi to all, I hope everyone is doing well.
I am Cecilia from the opening soon Otsuka school, Tokyo. As a new franchise owner, I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself to all. Since I am new at this, I am very grateful with all the help and support provided by the school and by all the owners. It is such an honour to be part of a wonderful team.
I am looking forward to seeing you all in the future. I have had the pleasures of meeting Mark in person in Osaka. I must say, as you all might have already known, is that he is such a great guy, a great mentor. Such a loyal costumer of starbucks too.
Thank you. Wish you all a nice day.
Dozo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.
SSE Otsuka
Thanks Cecilia. Once again, welcome. Here’s a link to a video on a Smith’s seminar in Osaka that I made earlier this year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWRwBwQz82Q
Derek (^.^)/
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
Cecilia, welcome! I’m Deborah and I teach near Sengendai station in Saitama, about an hour from your new location. If ever you are in the area, let me know so that we can get together. Enjoy!
Hi Cecilia,
It was great meeting you last Monday and having coffee. Your school looks great… very clean and comfortable. Good luck with the grand opening day on the 13th. If you need anything, just give me a shout anytime.
Edward, SSE Otsu
Hello Cecilia, I mentioned to Mark that if you’d like some startup help that I’d be happy to join you on a Monday morning to handout some flyers. Mark has my email address & mobile number. You are no doubt excited, apprehensive & a little nervous which are all great emotions that can be used to your advantage.
Think positive, act positive and you’ll get positive results
Best wishes for an enjoyable opening
Oh! Cecilia, check out the free online TOEIC lesson videos John Coleman and I are making. There is a radio button on the main site too. Maybe you will get some high level student who could use these videos. Good Luck!
Go go go Cecilia! Turn on the fire and don’t look back! All the best, Jim -SSE Hashimoto