Cell phones in Japan are amazing. With my cell phone I can send email messages, access the internet and take quality photos, amongst other things. If I wanted, I could get a cell phone with TV! Now for me, being able to send email messages from my cell phone with nice pictures is the best. I can be sitting at a coffee shop somewhere, take out my cell phone and easily send email messages to people in Japan or abroad! People with cell phones in Japan can see the email very quickly because when they receive it, their phone rings (the sound of the ring is chosen by them from a large selection of rings). I often take a photo of my food or of myself and send it with my email. The receiver can see me and what I am eating. Oh and you can add in a huge selection of decorations (pictographs, etc) which make the email real fun to read. I can also write in both English and Japanese with my cell phone. It’s a lot of fun! I love my Japanese cell phone!
Derek Maeckelburg
Smith’s Tsukaguchi franchise
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