Christmas Party 2006
In December 2006, Smith’s Kyobashi School invited Smith’s Tsukaguchi School to their Christmas party (photos . The party was held at a restaurant called Garb Dressing in Kyobashi, Osaka. I attended with some students, a friend of a student and my wife. There were teachers and students from some other Smith’s schools there, too! We enjoyed a nice meal. A cake marking the 10th anniversary of Smith’s School of English was presented to Smith’s. A few speeches were made and all of the Smith’s teachers in attendance got up in front of everybody and sang some Christmas songs! The audience sang along with us! I accompanied on the guitar with another Smith’s coach (Gavin). We sang “White Christmas” and “Last Christmas”. It was a lot of fun! Later on we played a game and gifts were handed out to the winners!
I thank Smith’s Kyobashi School for having invited Smith’s Tsukaguchi School to their Christmas party. We had a great time!
Derek (^.^)/
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