At a Franchise meeting in June, Mark Smith mentioned that today’s business world is shifting in focus from being merely profit centred to taking into consideration the benefits of social work. His comment was of particular interest to me, since I have spent all of my career in the human service industry, with more than ten of those years actually in the social work field. Naturally, we all bring our past jobs to our current jobs in the form of experience. My training and education in social work has always helped me to be a better teacher. Our philosophy at SSE Kamishinjo has been based on social work principles from the very beginning. Though the principles themselves are long and boring, they basically speak of respect, putting the clients’ (students’) needs first, respecting the privacy of your clients (students) and building trust. These principles sound pretty familiar. I think all successful school owners must follow these principles whether or not they realize they are doing so. Does this mean we can’t care about money if we put our students’ needs first? Well, when I worked as a social worker, I cared about my clients and I still expected to be paid every other Friday. We all go to work to make money. The social work industry may be nonprofit but it is still business. Making money, wanting your business to grow and be successful , and caring about your students are all interconnected. I’m not sure if big business has actually bought into the principles of social work, though it would be a nicer world if they did. The perks for regular customers are definitely getting better, but I’m not sure that’s actually the same as ‘social work’. However, I do believe if you provide a service to people, you must be half social worker, half business person.
Very true indeed! We have to keep the things you mention in mind at all times. And yes, the world would be better if we all put some time into some kind of social work or volunteer work to help our community and its people.
Al Bartle, SSE Okamoto
Excellent analogy. Social workers help people become more comfortable in society. ESL teachers help people become more comfortable in English society. Sounds heroic!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu