It is amazing at the types of people we come across. Yesterday I had a trial lesson with a man who works in Akihabara (the “Electric Town” of Tokyo). He is in the import/export business of musical instruments and plays the bass. My first career was also in music as a trombonist. He told me that a new jazz club had opened nearby and that there are open jam sessions there every Sunday from 2-6pm. This is wonderful for me as it is going to fill a void in my life and perhaps make it all complete. I intend to practice dilligently for the next few weeks, then make my appearance there…and surely wear my Smith’s polo shirt. He hasn’t decided yet if he is going to take lessons with me but that is ok…A real friendly man and an artist that I can respect. Life just keeps getting better here…
Edward says
I have been slowly uncovering the Japanese live music scene in Kyoto, and I must say the scene is really good! So many talented and keen musicians in Japan…. The open jam sessions you mentioned sounds like fun. Enjoy yourself and enjoy the Japanese music scene- it has a lot to offer. I look forward to reading more about your musical adventure, maybe even a picture or video in the future?
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
PS- I used to play saxophone, maybe someday I will also have the courage to get up and play in an open jam in Kyoto!