The posts contained in this section are written by SJ. SJ does not own a Smith’s franchise but has been a contract teacher for the Smith’s system. Her opinions and research will not always agree with SSE. That’s O.K. she simply wants to have a say.
SJ wants to tell others how she feels about teaching English or Japan in general and so we gave her a soapbox. If you think you have something others would be happy to read then drop us a line and we can talk about building you your own soapbox as well.
Remember anyone can read all soapboxes but only you can post articles to your own soapbox. This is a one way street. You post it and others can read it. No come back. You are safe. Also remember this is a place for people to say nice things. We will preview all potential posts. Offering your opinion is fine. Holding an opinion that is not consistent with another writer or SSE is also fine. Attacking another writer in a personal manner will not be accepted. I know. I can hear it from here; we will end up with a site that is overly positive, guess what…we think that’s great!
So if you have something nice to say and want your own soapbox contact us today and get yours set up.
It’s free, it’s easy.
Enter: Smith’s School of English
What Surprised me most about Japan?